Tag: bond market analysis

Battle Royale: Stocks vs. Bonds For Investors?

The S&P 500 is at valuations higher than those in 1929 and rival those of 1999. Despite a recession, the index is 25% above...

The Cause and Effect of Cheap Money

The financial markets are currently doing a weird dance. Because of the combination of trade wars, Brexit and the pandemic, capital has been flooding US...

Is the 40-Year Bond Bull Market Over?

The bull market in bond prices has steady, durable, and trustworthy. Over the past 40 years, if investors could count on anything, it was...

$TLT Treasury Bond ETF Hits Downside Price Target

The selloff in US Treasury bonds has been intense. And it has rattled the financial markets. Last week, we provided an update with downside targets...

U.S. Treasury Bonds ETF (TLT) Crashes Lower; Hits Initial Price Target

The long-term US Treasury Bond ETF (TLT) came within 0.63 cents of my $154 price target. This is an MFU-2 (money flow unit) generated...

Winter Is Coming For 60/40 Equity-Bond Investors

Investing is not easy and never has been. However, the healthy performance of bonds and equities over the past 30 years has certainly helped reduce...

Could Stocks and Bonds Peak At The Same Time?

Its been an interesting year in the financial markets, to say the least. And today's chart qualifies as "interesting" indeed. When the market crashed in March,...

Is a Big Reversal About to Hit the Bond Market?

10 Year US Treasury Bond Yield (Inverted!) Treasury bond yields sunk during the early days/weeks of the coronavirus pandemic. And they have yet to recover. ...

30 Year U.S. Treasury Bond Trading Forecast Into 2020

In today's financial market analysis, we'll take a specific look at the chart for the 30 year U.S. treasury bond INDEXCBOE: TYX Note that the...

US Treasury Bond Yields Decline Stirring Up Investor Anxiety

Treasury bond yields are sitting at their lowest levels in years... and in some cases 30 years! This has investors concerned about the an economy...

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