Global Markets

japanese yen trading bottom low investment analysis chart july 23 2024

Is the Japanese Yen Currency Nearing an Historic Bottom?

The Japanese Yen currency has been in a strong selloff for the past 12+ years. Today we ask: Could the Yen finally be bottoming? As you...
silver price breakout higher investing chart july

Silver Breaks Out; Short-Term Price Target $34

Precious metals continue to show strength with both gold and silver at or near multi-year highs. And the sector may get another bullish boost from...
ung natural gas etf down trend line important investing chart june

Natural Gas Rally Trading Into Breakout Resistance

After a long and steady decline, natural gas prices finally look like they may be bottoming. Or at least neutralizing the situation. One factor that might...
fxf swiss franc etf trading stronger rally higher chart june 5

Swiss Franc: Dreams Really Do Come True

On March 26, 2024, I wrote a Daily called, “Last Night I Had a Crazy Dream-Swiss Franc” In the blog, I mentioned that, “I literally woke...
silver breakout buy signal inverse head shoulders pattern year 2024 image

Silver Breakout May Lead to Historic Price Rally!

Precious metals have been very strong over the past two years, with Gold breaking out of a historic bullish pattern. Is it time for...
japanese yen currency bottom low target year 2024 bullish divergence

Will Japanese Yen Currency Rally From 40-Year Support?

The Japanese Yen has tumbled to new multi-decade lows after its recent free fall. Currently, the Yen is trading into 40-year support. Could this be...
us dollar peak top momentum indicator may 2024 investing chart

U.S. Dollar Peaking… As Momentum Indicator Reaches Historic High!

The U.S. Dollar is a key variable in all aspects of the marketplace. The strength of the dollar factors into the price we pay...
swiss franc currency etf trading decline bottom pattern chart april

Why the Swiss Franc Currency Worth Watching Here

On March 26, I wrote a daily market update called: Swiss Franc Currency Decline Nears Pivot Support. When I awoke and looked at the charts, I noticed in...
gld gold etf price parabolic move chart

Parabolic Market Moves and When To Walk Away

Since December 2022, we have been bullish gold in anticipation of its most recent run. From the start of 2023, I went on the media...
united states economic data total debt versus personal income versus corporate profits chart

Japans Lost Decades: Is U.S. On The Same Path?

Back in 1989, Japan was taking over the world. The country’s economy had grown 6.7% in 1988. Sony had just bought Columbia Pictures, one...

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