
natural gas price forecast bottom april year 2024 investing image

New Opportunities Emerging in Commodities: Natural Gas, Wheat, Sugar

In our research as we start a new week, there is a good chance that:  Wheat futures have bottomed. Natural gas futures bottomed. Sugar futures bottomed. And while...
gold bars us dollar inflation image

Gold, CPI and Inflation: Historical Correlations and Analysis

In the face of higher yields, higher dollar, gold has been rallying since early March-and really since October 2023 after the trough.  Although there have...
gld gold etf price parabolic move chart

Parabolic Market Moves and When To Walk Away

Since December 2022, we have been bullish gold in anticipation of its most recent run. From the start of 2023, I went on the media...
gold price per ounce history chart

Is Gold Warning Us Or Running With The Markets?

Having risen by about 40% since last October, Gold is on a moonshot. Many investment professionals consider gold prices to be a macro barometer,...
silver price pattern cup handle bullish buy signal long term history chart

Silver Breakout Adds To Massively Bullish Price Pattern!

I like what I am seeing of late in the precious metals space. Gold has broken out to new highs... and now silver is beginning...
slv silver etf trading breakout buy signal investing chart april 3

Silver Looks Ready For a Major Breakout!

Silver has been quietly building a bullish case for a trading breakout. The Silver ETF (SLV) has been coiling just beneath major breakout resistance. And...
gdx gold miners etf trading bullish buy triangle price pattern chart year 2024

Is the Gold Miners ETF (GDX) Ready To Blast Off Higher?

Just as everyone is fawning over Bitcoin and stocks at all-time highs, Gold has quietly made all-time highs. And, just as we wrote earlier...
gold price breakout new highs inverse head and shoulders pattern analysis trading chart march 2024

Gold Breaking Out of Bullish Inverse Head & Shoulders!

While all the headlines are focused on Bitcoin and the new highs for the major stock market indices, the price of gold is creeping...
gold miners etf gdx price performance rally analysis chart

Can Gold Rally Further? Ask Silver and Gold Miners

This past week, silver, gold, and gold miners all rallied, So did oil and sugar. DBA, the agricultural ETF, made new all-time highs. The water ETF PHO...
crude oil elliott wave bearish forecast lower prices year 2024

Crude Oil Elliott Wave Bearish Forecast Analysis For 2024

Here we follow up on our late October post about crude oil futures. Price followed our preferred bullish path, and we now have more information...

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