Tag: u.s. economy

Are Interest Rates Nearing Another Surge Higher?

Interest rates are rising. Yes they are in an up-trend. And the only thing that seems likely to stop them from rising is a recession. BUT...

Janet Yellen Should Focus On HOPE

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently stated: “You don’t have a recession when you have the lowest unemployment rate in 53 years.” Let’s HOPE she...

U.S. Economy: Soft Landing or Recession This Year?

The stock market is betting on a Goldilocks scenario. Jerome Powell doesn’t foresee a recession, instead he forecasts a soft landing. Apollo is bettering...

Analyzing the Labor Market Versus the Stock Market

By the time you read this, the buzz of what the Federal Reserve did and Chairman Powell’s presser will be over, at least for...

Capital Neglect Is Killing Capitalism

Capital represents the resources and labor used to produce goods and services. “Ism” is a system. Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of...

The Economic Foghorn Is Blowing But Few Heed Its Warning

Often, boaters take the warning blow of a foghorn for granted and disregard it. However, all skippers seem to pay attention when they hear...

One Monetary Policy Fits All

In Part one of this series, Our Currency The World’s Problem, we discuss the vital role the U.S. dollar plays in the global economy. With...

What Does Today’s Real Estate Buyer Look Like?

Here are 3 statistics about real estate buyers from this year that we will focus on today (source: National Association of REALTORS): 50 Miles 50 Miles...

Finance is at Fault, Not Russia, Powell, or Biden

It’s Russia’s fault, cries the media. Others put the blame for recent stock declines at the feet of the Federal Reserve. Some fault Biden,...

The Perfect Storm: U.S. Dollar, Inflation, and Precious Metals

According to recent PPI and CPI prints, inflation has plateaued. Some analysts will argue that inflation has hit its zenith. However, what if one of...

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