
technology stocks image

The History Of Technology Innovation: Making A Better World

"Pessimism never won any battle." - Dwight D. Eisenhower In times of uncertainty, it may seem difficult to remain optimistic. Yet, a look at historic...
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Movie Theaters Crash As Digital Wins The Day

"Companies rarely die from moving too fast and they frequently die from moving too slow" - Reed Hastings A popular activity among consumers is going...
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Technology Innovation and Competition Rewarding for Consumers

"Software is eating the world." - Marc Andreessen Over time, some consumer goods have become significantly cheaper as manufacturing capacity and supply exploded relative to...
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Largest Companies In The World Dominated By Technology Sector

"There's a way to do it better - find it." - Thomas Edison Over time, society has evolved considerably. New technologies are adopted, and old...
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The World’s Transition to a Cashless Society is Accelerating

"My goal to simplify complexity." - Jack Dorsey We have been following society's secular movement away from cash and towards digital payments for some time...
investor technology stocks

Cashless Trends Offer Opportunities For Payment Processors and Technologies

"How easy it is to get things done completely shapes what gets created" - Patrick Collison One of the themes we follow closely is the...
iaas cloud overall market share by business service offering year 2020 chart

Chart of the Week: IaaS Cloud Data Highlights Leadership, Innovation and Migration

"The internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow." - Bill Gates Throughout the past several decades the rise of the...

Tech Roundup: Apple Unveils New Products, Pinterest Valuation Swells

Tech Roundup is simple. You get 2 of the most interesting technology stories, 1 chart, and 1 bonus video. Summary Story: Pinterest gets $12.3 billion valuation....

Yahoo Stock (YHOO) Update: Time For A Trend Change?

Yahoo! Inc. (NASDAQ:YHOO) has been in the news a lot over the past few years. Whether it be acquisitions, speculation about being acquired, operations,...
World Pictures

Netflix (NFLX) Make Big Push To Be “Mobile Friendly”

Netflix Inc (NASDAQ:NFLX) has made a powerful move to become mobile friendly, and the impetus is larger than you might have imagined. The Storyline Netflix is...

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