
Bearish Three Day Drop: 3 Drives to a Pivot Low?

By Matt Hodges      The 3 day bearish move in the equity markets from Wednesday to intraday today has been fast and furious.  Could it be 3 drives...
stock chart analysis

Near-Term Technical Levels of to Watch on the SPX

Well, another week on the books and much is still left undecided.  The equity markets have been in retreat and quite choppy, closing negative...
bull and bear, successful trading

Japanese Nikkei: From Selloff to Indecision

Within hours after the Japanese Nikkei (Symbol: NKD) tipped into an official bear market last week, the index turned on its heels and screamed...
stock chart analysis

Time Price Analysis Highlight June 7 Importance

I though I would provide a quick time price analysis update, as today may bear some significance. The next planetary station to mark on...
stock market bull bear

BBRY and HLF Stock Chart Analysis

The projection that the uptrend, which began in late November, would begin to stall by late March/ mid-April resulted in a mere pullback. By...
bearish sign, short selling

Nikkei Enters Bear Market: What Now?

Japan's Nikkei 225 benchmark equity index sailed into bear market territory today (as we noted it might), crossing the "-20% from the high" threshold...
technical analysis, stock chart analysis, stock charts, technical chart, chart analysis

Stocks Tread Water, Eye Key Fibonacci Support Levels

The past couple weeks have seen stocks put in a short-term top and key reversal day, followed by a lot of treading water around...
stock market chart

Japanese Nikkei: On the Brink of a Bear Market

About this time a month ago, the Nikkei 225 (Symbol: NKY; $-denominated futures: NKD) was galloping forward without slackening pace, even with a +60.5%,...
stock chart analysis

S&P 500 Technical Update: Consolidation or Correction?

As the S&P 500 toils just below all-time highs, stocks are exiting month end on a quiet note.  Early in the week we saw...
stock chart analysis

Stocks Set to Bounce: Backtest, Retest, or New Highs?

With stocks set to open higher by nearly 1 percent, the bulls are on parade again. This gap higher will likely offset a good...

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