Tag: japanese yen

Risk-Off? Yen Crosses Open Sharply Lower

Japanese Yen crosses opened trade in New Zealand and Sydney on Monday morning with a sharp opening drop, with AUD/JPY leading on a 50...

The Japanese Yen: Making History

What if I told you the Japanese Yen is the most heavily long-term oversold it has been in a generation? In the post-WWII era, the...

Japanese Yen: In Extremis or About to Bottom?

If there's any trade that has been more persuasive and irrepressible in 2013 than Developed Market equities, it's the short Japanese Yen (JPY) trade. ...

Forex: USD/JPY Breakout

The 2013 consolidation is over: or so it seems. US Dollar/Japanese Yen (USD/JPY) broke higher immediately after Tokyo's session opened last night, with the Yen...

Is the Japanese Yen Looking to Bottom This Fall?

Last spring, I offered up a number of posts analyzing the Japanese Yen currency breakdown. Using the Japanese Yen Trust (FXY) etf as my proxy, I pointed...

Nikkei 225 and Yen Price Targets Met on Abenomics

The Nikkei 225 and Japanese Yen have met my price targets for this leg of the new uptrend. It has been quite a thrust...

Nikkei: Extended, but with Plans for Expansion

In the early April, the already months-long rally underway in the Japanese Nikkei225 as a result of Japanese PM Abe's fiscal stimulus  entered its...

USDJPY: Plotting The Trade of Maximum Frustration

By Andrew Kassen One of the more insightful adages of homespun trader wisdom goes something like this: Markets will generally pursue that course...

Reviving The Yen Carry Trade

By Andrew Kassen "The Yen Carry Trade" - whatever your tenure in and familiarity with financial markets, it's a litmus phrase evoking a...

While You’re Sleeping: Massive Moves Prevail In Japanese Markets

By Andrew Kassen A lot of atrocious developments occur in world financial markets while the West sleeps.  Lately, that has meant mayhem in Japanese...

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