Gold & Silver

silver and gold bars

Charting The Gold and Silver Price Breakouts

This past week was important for Gold and Silver investors. After breaking out above multi-week downtrend lines, both precious metals saw strong follow through (i.e....

Gold Prices: Why $1275 May Be Key To Gold Rally

Gold prices are retreating this morning from a very important technical intersection around $1275/oz. Currently priced around $1260, I believe active investors will need...
gold miners gold bar

Can Gold Miners ETF Hold Key Support, Divergence?

Gold Mining stocks have been badly beaten in 2013. Taking the Gold Miners ETF (GDX) as a proxy, the sector is down over 55% as...
precious metals analysis

Precious Metals: Nearing Critical Support

After a nice shakeout and pivot higher in mid-October, precious metals ran out of steam and gave way to a stronger US Dollar and...

Gold Breakout Targeting 1500, But Hurdles Abound

It's been a wild ride for Gold prices, but the summer rally seems to be unfolding as expected. Back in August, I wrote a...
gold price analysis

Gold Analysis: Bull and Bear Scenarios In Balance

Gold just finished off Q3 2013 in broad consolidation of the sweeping ranges and massive drops that characterized (terrorized?) 2013's first half. No stranger to...
gold price analysis

Gold Support and Resistance Levels to Watch

It's been a rough month for Gold investors.  No, make that a rough couple of years.  Last month, on the heels of a Gold...

Gold Rally Update: Key Price Levels to Watch

A combination of events have served as catalysts for the recent rally in Gold spot prices. From looming budget talks and debt ceiling issues...
gold price analysis

Gold Prices Rally, Put In Short-Term Bottom

It's been almost two years since Gold prices hit all-time highs, but for gold bulls those two years likely feel like ten years. Gold...

AAPL vs Gold: Parallel Bull Market Structures

AAPL vs Gold.  Got your attention?  Okay, I'm having a little bit of fun here. But really, there is a rhyme and reason to...

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