Tag: cape

Stock Market Valuations (CAPE) Reaching Up Into Rarified Air

“Valuations are still well below the peak of 1999” say the bulls. They are certainly correct from an absolute basis but we caution that the...

Small Caps PE10 Valuation Ratio Getting Lofty

A number of analysts and commentators have been discussing the increasingly high levels of the "Shiller PE", also known as CAPE or PE10, for...

Investors: Is It Time To Put Risk/Reward Into Perspective?

The Deck is Stacked:  Putting Risk and Reward into Perspective "The individual investor should act consistently as an investor and not as a speculator." -...

Party Like It’s 1999: Equity Valuations At Historic Levels

Valuations Compared with Fundamentals “Today’s equity market valuations have only been eclipsed by those of 1929, and 1999.” Given the continuing equity market rally...

Great Expectations: S&P 500 CAPE Ratio In Historic Territory

"Never ever lose sight of long term relationships" Paul Krake - View from the Peak Throughout 2016 we highlighted that various measures of equity valuations...

Market Deception: Stock Valuations Twisted To Fit “Low Rates” Story

At the December 14, 2016 FOMC press conference, Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen responded to a reporter’s question about stock valuations and the possibility...

A Different Perspective On Market Valuations

Risk is not a number. Risk is simply overpaying for an asset. Investment managers who avoid overpaying for assets increase their odds of purchasing...

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