
Exxon Mobil (XOM) Stock Chart Update

By Andrew Nyquist Since I last covered the Exxon Mobil (XOM) breakout back in September, the stock has pulled in, retesting the breakout level around $85. To...
agriculture farmland, wheat field

Long Term Trend Analysis of Key Agriculture Commodities

By Andrew Nyquist Most conversations around the global economy and fiscal outlook revolve around two key subjects: money printing vs austerity and higher taxes/more spending vs...
stock market bull and bear, wall street, stocks up and down

A Closer Look at the Tech Sector

By Andrew Nyquist Since the bottom a couple weeks back, the Technology Sector has surged higher. And it isn't a surprise that Apple (AAPL) has lead...

Apple (AAPL) Technical Update

By Andrew Nyquist Quick update on Apple (AAPL). The stock has been on fire but is nearing a confluence of resistance points: its downtrend line, the...
technical analysis, stock chart, stock market bottom, equities

S&P 500 Technical Update: Key Levels

By Andrew Nyquist The rubber band was stretched too far. Similar to sentiment getting too negative too fast, price fell too far too fast. On November 16...
gold bar, silver bar, gold and silver bars, precious metals

Silver Rallying Towards Key Technical Level Again

By Andrew Nyquist Below are a couple updated technical charts for iShares Silver (SLV). Find more charts and analysis on SLV and Silver spot prices here. In short,...

Copper Weakness a Wait and See Game

By Andrew Nyquist Since the late 2011 highs, Copper has shown relative weakness to equities... and for that matter, to almost everything else on the trading...
bar chart, price analysis, trend analysis, price charts

Apple Stock Rally Keying Off 60 Minute RSI Divergence

By Andrew Nyquist There's been plenty of weekend speculation about Apple (AAPL) and it's late Friday rally. Some are speculating that it's a lasting bottom, while...
making money, investor psychology

Facebook Stock Powers Toward Gap Magnet

By Andrew Nyquist In early October I penned an article about the negative sentiment surrounding Facebook (FB) and how stock pricing tends to account for what investors...
tbtf banks

Bank Stocks Searching for a Bottom

By Andrew Nyquist Technically speaking, the Bank Index (BKX) has been weak for some time. We had the September/October double top tails followed by a weak...

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