Commodities came into March like a lion and went out like a lamb.
Even so, the price of several commodities remains elevated and pressuring an already ugly inflationary environment.
Today, we look at a chart of the Invesco DB Commodity Index ETF (DBC). The chart is simple (as usual) but important as its price is narrowing within a large wedge formation. The start of a larger move could be on the horizon.
Let’s take a look!
Note that the following MarketSmith charts are built with Investors Business Daily’s product suite.
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$DBC DB Commodity Index ETF Chart
All things considered, this is a pretty large wedge formation. And since it is happening within the context of an up-trend, bulls are in charge… until they’re not. In short, price is narrowing and will get squeezed one way or another. A move higher will bring a retest of the March highs (and potentially new highs), while a move lower will bring a retest of the March lows.
Commodities are extremely important to the financial markets right now. Yes, they are a trading vehicle, but with inflation on the rise, supply issues all around, and a war in Ukraine… yeah, commodities are worth watching.

Twitter: @andrewnyquist
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