Personal Finance

beautiful resort, ocean resort at night, resort pool at night

Resort Real Estate Investing For the Next Generation

By Joshua Schroeder After potentially the worst downturn in resort real estate history, the industry is beginning to pull itself off the mat. While the past...
failing, failure, f grade

Survey Says: Parents Not Making the Financial Grade

By Kelly Hodges As a parent of four young children, I am always on the lookout for advice on how best to equip them with the...

Lessons Learned from a Centenarian

By Kelly Hodges Last week my family lay to rest my Grandpa Al, at the age of 108. The quantity of years he lived was impressive...
federal reserve, ben bernanke, fomc

Retired Wealth Investors: Fed Decision Weighs Heavy

By Jeff Voudrie Yesterday, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke announced what many are calling QE3 (Quantitative Easing round 3). I guess we need QE3 because QE1...

Has China Been Systematically Stealing US Investors Wealth?

By Jeff Voudrie Since 2008, numerous Chinese companies have become listed on U.S. stock exchanges. Undoubtedly, many wealth investors, including retired wealth investors and those pursuing...
bonus check, bonus, extra money, envelope, envelope budgeting

Budgeting Made Easy with

By Kelly Hodges Anyone who has looked into different methods for creating a home budget has probably run across the “envelope” system. This is an old...
retire, retired, retirement, retirement timeline, retirement age, retirement planning

Retired Wealth Investors: Should You Chase This Rally?

By Jeff Voudrie The U.S. stock market has surged 12% from the low set on June 4, 2012. Retired wealth investors and those pursuing retirement income...
personal health, diet, exercise, hygiene, sleep, health care, handling stress, healthy living

Increase Your Fitness and Fatten Your Paycheck

By Kelly Hodges Want to increase your paycheck?  Try going for a run.  Researchers at Cleveland State University recently published a study showing that employees who...
back to school shopping, black friday shopping, shopping, shopping bags, kids shopping, girl shopping

Back to School: 5 Ways to Stock Up and Save

By Kelly Hodges As the calendar flips to August, families across the country begin gearing up for the start of yet another school year. And while...
financial planner, financial planning, retirement, investment advisor, wealth advisor, investor, broker

4 Ways Retired Wealth Investors Can Protect Their Money

By Jeff Voudrie Retired Wealth Investors are frustrated by a combination of lack of growth in their accounts and the global political and economic uncertainty. They...

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