Market News and Insights

market recap

The Week Ahead: Market Recap And Overview

Last week the payroll number came in higher than expected and the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average set new all-time highs....
investing risks

Investor Questions: Trying To Solve The 2014 Financial Market Riddle

Entering 2014’s second half, a number of investor questions and random thoughts are swirling around in my head. In an effort to put together...

Could Q1’s Terrible GDP Actually Mean More Upside For Stocks?

Following last week's Final Q1 2014 GDP Print at a staggering - but by many accounts, transitory - -2.96%, the gentlemen at J. Lyons Fund...
us dollar in vice grip

U.S. Dollar Under Pressure: Geopolitics Loom Large

While America sleeps, we continue to lose financial ground to those determined to unseat the monopoly of the U.S. currency. Take for example The People’s...
shipping yards

Are U.S. GDP Growth Estimates Still Too High?

Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), made headlines recently by joining the chorus of analysts that have reduced the rosy...
federal reserve building

3 Reasons Emotions Are Running High Into FOMC Statement

The tension on the tape is building. Like it or not, many active investors are bracing for the reaction to the FOMC statement today...

Here Comes The Fed: All Eyes On Gold 1275

With the Federal Reserve set to release their collective policy statement tomorrow afternoon, the market has found a way to build drama around the...

Equities, Forex, Volatility: Andrew Kassen’s FX Street Interview

See It Market's Andrew Kassen sat down earlier today with Dale Pinkert (@forexstophunter) of FX Street's Live Analysis Room for a broad discussion covering...

NYSE Composite Tags Key Long-Term Bullish Target

Despite yesterday's selling, the NYSE Composite (NYA) is trading within 1% (and came within 0.1% at 06/11's intraday high) of completing the massive harmonic...
market trends

Market Trends Overview For Week of June 9 2014

The Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 both closed at all-time highs on Friday, highlighting the prolonged strength of the current market trends. At...

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