Top Trading Links: Stocks, Bonds & Bulls… Oh My!

For several days now traders have been expecting an uptick in market volatility. And although we saw a modest tick higher Thursday, the VIX Volatility Index (INDEXCBOE:VIX) closed the week at 11.54.

All things considered, it was a pretty quiet week.  The S&P 500 Index (INDEXSP:.INX) ended down 0.2%.

In any event, the markets are due for a bigger move.  We have been moving sideways for weeks. There’s no need to anticipate it; simply follow price and let it guide you.

2017 is shaping up to be an interesting year. Better have your game face on!

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Enjoy this week’s version of “Top Trading Links” – there’s some great investing research, trading education, and market news.



2 Reasons to be bullish on stocksAri Wald via Myles Udland

Where are Interest Rates going next?All Star Charts

Fund Managers Current AllocationThe Fat Pitch



How to emerge from a trading drawdownThe Trade Risk

Things I believe to be true in options tradingSean McLaughlin

The humility factorFMD Capital Management

Are oil speculators about to get lit up again?J. Lyons Fund Management



Guy Spier on how to generate investment ideas



HFT is taking over the Bitcoin MarketBloomberg

The myth and magic of deliberate practiceJames Clear

Car dealers are highly uneducated about new featuresWired

Multitasking literally drains your brain Quartz

How reading awakens usBrain Pickings

This month’s Put Into PerspectiveSkenderbeg


Check back every weekend for more links to some great investing research blogs and trading ideas. Thanks for reading!


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