Top Trading Links: The Corporate Earnings Factor

So much for the summer doldrums. Iran nuclear deal talks keep stalling. China is a mess, and while Greece is still on the back burner, it could still play a factor. It’s tough to be long right now. It’s so ‘tough’ in fact that we’ve seen signs of panic. World markets have seen major indices like the S&P 500, Shanghai Composite, and German DAX all test their rising 200 day moving averages.

Corporate earnings will start coming hot and heavy this week. According to FactSet, analysts are looking for ~4.5% decline in revenue and earnings for the S&P 500.

Without further adieu, let’s dig in. Here’s this week’s Top Trading Links.


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Earnings Season Primer

@FactSet previews earnings season:

“The industrials sector has seen largest cuts to earnings growth expectations since March 31”

Thinking about trading some earnings reports? @NoanetTrader on why you should re-think that.

A reminder stock prices have diverged from corporate earnings via @Skrisiloff. BTW, be sure to check his site out for weekly management commentary updates.

Here’s a favorite corporate earnings calendar/tracker.

@estimize does a great job providing key earnings data.


Trading & Investing

Want a look at a Pro’s thought process during this recent pullback? Why @RyanDetrick thought a bounce was coming before a further correction.

The best buying opportunities are usually the ones that feel the worst.” – @fabiancapital

@JLyonsFundMgmt shares some data on the extreme rush for protection:

equity put call ratio rises study

@KimbleCharting analyzes Apple’s long term chart as AAPL earnings approach:

apple stock testing long term trend line July 2015

@SJosephBurns shares his key S&P 500 levels.

Why momentum investing works via @awealthofcs

Is America seeing a slump in innovation? @TMFHousel refutes that notion:

“Someone, somewhere, right now is inventing or discovering something that will utterly change the future. But you’re probably not going to know about it for years.”


China is spectacle these days…


China’s richest people just lost 100 billion dollars in a month.



@FilZucchi diagnoses Chinese credit default swaps during the crash.  They aren’t moving! Interesting!

china cds credit market chart july 2015  


Happenings & Research IBM announced a ‘big breakthrough on chip size. What it means:

“Basically, the move towards 7nm is …about making computing more efficient for laptops, mobile devices and other platforms. That should lead to… leaps we can’t even imagine yet.”

Oil and Gas majors are so desperate for cost cutting and growth:

Shell is trying to drill in the Arctic Seas.

They’re also invested in a Middle East project where they use solar power to help extract oil.

A look at how incentives are playing a part of the buyback boom

By 2020,” said eXelate’s Garbaccio, “more than 75% of marketers and media companies will be using a Data Management Platform (DMP) to activate data–their own and that of third parties.” – via

Mike Gault over @Recode on blockchain technology:

“A blockchain is essentially just a record, or ledger, of digital events — one that’s “distributed,” or shared between many different parties.”


Funny tweets of the week: On this week’s NYSE technical difficulties…



Thanks for reading!  Be sure to check out our Top Trading Links archives for a goldmine of investing research and trading education.


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