Quick Take: Technical Update and The Week Ahead

By Andrew Nyquist
This week, the markets continued their slide down the slippery slope.  But that slide may finally find a bottom early next week.  Currently the S&P 500 is nestled below its 50 day moving average, but above its lower level trendline support, which could prove to be pivotal.  DeMark analysis indicates that the S&P 500 is on bar 7 of a daily TD DeMark Buy set up, suggesting a possible bottom Monday or Tuesday [at least short term].  Just in time for a holiday rally???  We shall see.

I am sitting at roughly 35% long exposure and looking to add to positions next week… with stops to limit downside risk.  See annotated chart below, and keep risk management in mind, as the market has a lot to prove.

S&P 500 technical chart

Have a good rest of your weekend.

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Position in S&P 500 related index fund (SPY) at time of publication.

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