Yesterday, we covered the 80-month moving average in small caps and retail.
Today, I did several interviews-some already out (BNN Bloomberg), others will be out soon (Financial Sense Jim Pupluva) and the one that you can find today (see below) with Real Vision.
We chose this one to feature as it is 30 minutes long and covers the breadth of pretty much everything:
- Bonds-Yields, Corporate Debt
- Dollar/Yen
- Economic Modern Family
- Commoditiy Futures-Oil, Gold, Food, Base Metals
- Growth Stocks versus Small Caps
- Recession, soft landing, stagflation
- Volatility
- Bitcoin and alt coins
Video with Michele Schneider and Maggie Lake (Real Vision)
Twitter: @marketminute
The author may have a position in mentioned securities at the time of publication. Any opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author and do not represent the views or opinions of any other person or entity.